A Message from the Board

Last night, between 9:00-9:20pm a teen was assaulted in front of our Community Centre. Thanks to a passerby’s quick action, 911 was called and Members of the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service arrived and provided medical care. The teen was taken to the hospital and is now reported to be in stable condition.
Our board, staff and volunteers are all thinking of the teen’s recovery and working towards a plan to create a community discussion regarding personal safety and neighbourhood watch.
If you have any information, or doorbell camera footage around the above mentioned times, call the Major Crimes Unit at 204-986-6219 or report anonymously at Crime Stoppers 204-786-8477 or winnipegcrimestoppers.org
If you need someone to talk to in Winnipeg, you can call the Klinic Crisis Line at (204) 786-8686 which is available 24/7 and offers free, confidential counselling and support; you can also reach them toll-free at (888) 322-3019. Other options:Crisis Response Centre: (204) 940-1781Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line: (877) 435-7170Youth Crisis Line: (204) 949-4777211 Manitoba: For connecting to various government and health services