Please consider volunteering to be a coach, assistant coach, or team helper. You can share your interest on your child’s registration form.
Spring Soccer Registration Open!
Champlain Community Centre is pleased to be hosting Smurf, Mini and Junior soccer; with jerseys sponsored by the Tim Bits Soccer Association. Games are played in the neighbourhood with our friends from Norwood, Notre Damn and Archwood Community Centre’s. Click the appropriate link below to register today, secure your spot and make any player requests before April 24, 2025.
Champlain CC understands that sometimes circumstances require that you need to withdraw your child from their sport. If for some reason this happens, you can withdraw your registration, provided there are no games or practices attended and the season has not officially started. There will be a $15 refund fee to cover the admin costs of the registration/refund. Please contact for a refund.